- I know that if someone I cared about were to lose weight, I would be deeply happy for them. However, whether they lost or agained 100 or more pounds, would not change one iota how much I care for, love and appreciate them. I know (now) the same is true in their regard and love for me, I didn't know this, in my heart, yesterday. I might have known it had someone pointed it out to me, it's pretty obvious.
- Although the love and care my friends have for me would not change based on any weight loss or gain, how I feel about myself would change. I've lost the weight once, and I felt free. I can't say I was completely happy with myself or my body, I didn't feel as happy or attractive as I thought I might, but I did feel free. Free from what you might ask. Free from the weight, from putting myself down when clothing didn't fit or look as good as I would have liked it to look. Free from comments about my weight.
I've begun a new weight loss journey and my motto (when I remember it) has been that "I'm practicing being healthier" so I won't eat perfectly every day. I've lost 6 pounds over the last month, maybe with my new epiphanies, and if I put my motto in places where I will see it every day, I'll feel better about whatever progress I do make.