I was tagged by Jenn, yay, so I don't have to come up with a unique post just yet:
Three names I go by:
1) Honey bunny
2) Kim
3) Arf
Three screen names I've had:
1) warpie
2) mindwarp
3) phantasie
Three physical things I like about myself:
1) My fingers
2) My eyes
3) My bum
Three physical things I don't like about myself:
1) My tummy
2) My hair
3) My legs
Three parts of my heritage:
1) Canadian
2) Finnish
3) Candian
Three things I am wearing right now:
1) an engagement ring (wedding ring didn't fit this morning)
2) a watch
3) a suit
Three favorite bands/musical artists:
1) Gwen Staphani
2) U2
3) Amanda Marshall
Three things I want in a relationship:
1) Love
2) Companionship
3) Cuddles
Two truths and a lie:
1) I've done 3 major life events in 15 months
2) I'm pregnant
3) Puppy eats poo
Three physical things about the opposite sex that appeal to me:
1) tall
2) dark
3) handsome
Three favorite hobbies:
1) reading
2) crafts
3) learning
Three things I want to do badly right now:
1) sleep
2) pee
3) take an advil for my headache
Three things that scare me:
1) my familiy getting hurt/lost/killed
2) roller coasters
3) my mother seeing my very dirty house
Three of my everyday essentials:
1) sleep
2) water
3) food
Three careers you have considered or are currently considering:
1) Mummy
2) Teacher
3) Artist
Three places you want to go on vacation:
1) Greece
2) Italy
3) Hawaii
Three kids names you like:
1) Victoria
2) Isabel
3) Samuel
Three things you want to do before you die:
1) Make a difference
2) Blissfully enjoy a whole week
3) See the three places I want to vacation
Three ways I am stereotypically a boy:
1) I don't like to shop (much)
2) I like comfortable clothes
3) I like to do things myself
Three ways I am stereotypically a girl:
1) I cry during movies and books
2) I like pretty clothes, just not shopping for them
3) I like looking at home decor
Three celeb crushes:
1) Antonio Banderras
2) Brendan Fraser
3) Patrick Swayze
Three people I am tagging:
1) I don't know enough bloggers to tag anyone :(