Saturday, January 05, 2008

Goals - January

So not exactly taking it one day at a time to talk about a whole months worth of goals here, but I didn't think you'd want to read that many posts ;)

I've decided to add once a week a good habit to my routine. This week it was going to the gym to work out once.

Since I'd like to get back onto a healthy diet and exercise regime, I've also decided that my weight loss goals would be small, 5 pounds every other month. For example in Jan I'd like to lose 5 pounds, then maintain that loss in Feb, lose 5 more in March and maintain the total 10 pound loss through April etc until I reach a weight I can maintain (and if that's the weight I am right now, then I'll have to learn to accept that).

Starting Monday, I'd like to add a daily 15 minute walk about to tidy up the house every night, now I've had that on my list before, but it didn't stick, so we'll try again in the coming week.

I've started using my composter more, so I'd like to add another environmental goal, I just have to think about it...maybe taking public transit to work once a week? Bring a coffee cup to work? Limit prepared foods to ones where the entire package is recyclable or reusable? Limit prepared foods (including meals out) to no more than 3 meals per week? Well I have lots of options for months to come anyway.

Visit The Lazy Organizer for more SMART Habits


Lara said...

It sounds like you've got some great ideas! I've been working on getting the kids to get their messes picked up before they go to bed. It's hard at night when we're busy and tired but it's so nice to wake up to a clean house!

mom of 2 said...

Good luck in your goals. I like the losing weight every other month. Today at church they talked about doing a different kind of fasting. They suggested giving up something and replacing it with God, whether it be a single meal or a type of media. I decided to give up sweets for a whole week which will be difficult for me! I figure if everytime I want to eat candy or a cookie that I sit and read the Bible for a few minutes or a say a prayer that will be more satisfying than any piece of chocolate!

Ter said...

good luck with your goals!

hope548 said...

Sounds like some good ideas. Good luck!